You Blog, We Listen
December 20, 2007 — permalinkTwo fixes just went live, before we sign off for a brief holiday break:We apologize for having broken these features for you. Your blogs and Help Group posts showed us the true extent to which you used and cared about these features, so please let us know if they're still being problematic.
- Unregistered commenters can once again provide an auto-linked URL [Help Group Thread]
- Images in the Header page element will no longer be cropped vertically [Help Group thread]
Thanks for your patience!
Mda. Asta a fost la două zile după ce eu mi-am achiziţionat domeniu. Thanks a bunch. :))
Ideea-i că mă mut, adică m-am mutat deja şi-s tare încântată. De-acum înainte sunt pe-o străduţă arhicunoscută, Fascination Street pe numele ei. :) După aproape patru ani meritam şi eu my own perfect spot. Evident. Ne citim dincolo. :) Farewell, greenish bastard ! :))